Настоящият тест по английски обхваща нивата от абсолютно начинаещи (Beginner) до напреднали (Advanced).


  • Тестът се състои от 60 въпроса. Всеки въпрос има един верен отговор.
  • Ако не изберете отговор на някой въпрос, той ще бъде счетен за грешен.
  • След като изберете отговори на всички въпроси, натиснете бутона "Проверка", за да видите вашия резултат.

Забележка: Този тест е само ориентировъчен и покрива нивата от основния курс. Единствено тестове, направени в офисите на LinguaMundi са критерий за точно определяне на входното ниво.

Section 1

Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.

1. When _____ you born?

2. Her name is Jane and she _____ British.

3. What _____ look like?

4. _____ to London? Yes, I have.

5. She is _____ than her sister.

6. Is he the man _____ wife is a banker?

7. He _____ by the management yesterday.

8. By the time she arrives, the film _____.

9. If my brother _____ me, I would have lent him my car.

10. I am _____ tomorrow.

11. If only I ____!

12. If I _____ you, I would leave him alone.

Section 2

Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.

13. I am going to _____ her tomorrow.

14. I never watch TV _____ Sundays.

15. The new price should be taken into _____.

16. He quit his job and went on _____.

17. Ross is a really _____ person. He's never sad.

18. It was an _____ experience!

19. Layla never _____ her homework.

20. Birds of a feather _____ together.

Section 3

Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.

21. I'm hopeless _____ chess.

22. She is invited to a _____ dress party.

23. Maria _____ a book when her mum entered the room.

24. I wish I _____ him about the wedding.

25. If they _____arrested, they would have robbed the bank.

26. Where is my umbrella? You must _____ it in the office.

27. Sue claims she is going out with Born, _____ I find hard to believe.

28. They _____ to Berlin by the end of the month, so they won't be here for your party.

29. I've been learning German _____ Christmas.

30. He is really shy. He's got _____ friends.

31. The meal _____ cooked at the moment.

32. They sometimes _____ walk in the park.

Section 4

Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.

33. My sister always _____ my bed in the morning.

34. Remember to _____ the TV when you go out.

35. It's raining cats and _____.

36. She _____ to having stolen the money.

37. He _____ his ambition to travel in space.

38. You know you _____ me an explanation, don't you?

39. Can I _____ at your place tonight? It's too late to go home now.

Section 5

Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.

40. Who _____ Harry Potter?

41. I will text you when I _____ there.

42. Had I _____ the truth, I would have done something.

43. Can you tell me where _____?

44. I'd rather _____ in here.

45. I'm so thirsty! If only Mike _____ all the water in the fridge!

46. You are all sweaty. _____?

47. I regret _____ in class.

48. Our relatives aren't very rich, and _____ particularly smart.

49. The hotel was awful. I'd rather _____ in a tent.

50. Stop shouting _____ me!

51. Lucy is really helpful. She is ready to help _____ you ask her.

Section 6

Choose the best word or phrase (a, b, c or d) to fill each blank.

52. I rarely _____ breakfast at weekends.

53. Can you _____ after school?

54. I'm terribly late. Can you give me a _____?

55. Last night's discussion has definitely given him some food for_____.

56. He's been _____ on his way to work.

57. I enjoyed the film, but felt the ending was a bit _____.

58. The company _____ customers by selling old computers as new ones.

59. There have been several big campaigns against the use of _____ foods recently.

60. I can't afford to go on holiday. I'm _____.